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Cool down! | Koji
2011年01月30日 23:01
A big controversy is rising up in Korea about Mr. Ki Sung-Yeoung's strange performance after his superb penalty kick against Japan's team during the semi-finals in the Asian Cup. I personally don't think he is such a rude or arrogant guy as bashed from Korean fans judging from the previous reputations he has got so far, especially from Celtics for which Mr. Shunsuke Nakamura once played. In general, Korean people are politer and more respectful than Japanese people to others even if they are the ones to beat, deseving being charged with agressiveness. Rather, it is true that some Japanese succer fans never have an eye to the ill feelings still lying between two countries deeply rooted in that historical tragedy initiated by the Japanese invasion during W.W.II. However, I'd like Mr. Ki to know that a great majority of Japanse soccer fans respect Korean team and thier supporters as the greatest rival - I love Mr. Park ji-sung. NO DOUBT Mr. Ki is a promissing star player. If he has a great trouble in his own country, I even want to invite him to a J-league team to play. So, Korean fans, FIFA guys, don't go too far. Please don't drive him into a corner.
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